
Chakra Balancing Massage is a service we have offered for about a year, based on a workshop I took with a person I will not name. I was and am impressed by how simple and effective it can be.

While I enjoyed that first workshop and could feel the benefits of Chakra balancing when I have had it done, nothing prepared me for the shift of my understanding, and the depth of the knowledge that Dr. Ravi passed on in just two days.

In the 25 years I have been in this industry, and the years since I opened Your Health Span ( In Home massage Calgary ) in 2007, Dr Ravi is one of the best teachers I have come across.

Dr Ravi Ratan with Krista Woodley his Canadian partner teaching the powerful benefits of Chakra Balancing Massage.

Chakra Balancing Massage

Using simple and clear language Dr Ratan deepened my understanding of the chakra’s, confirmed things I knew and sort of understood, and gave me a broader understanding of how using the techniques he taught us, we could have deeper and more impactful healing sessions with our clients.

Uses both crystals, and aromatherapy to balance the energies in the chakra’s, allows our organs, energy and emotional balance to reach optimum levels.

We have 7 main Chakra’s that each correspond with energy frequencies ( just like light does- causing colours) and specific places in our bodies, and control our emotions, our energies and our organs. A Chakra that is not working well has a noticeable effect on the entire physical, physiological and psychological well being of each of us.

Over the next 7 weeks I will go into depth on what I have learned about each chakra, and if you are ready to try a Chakra healing yourself, I would suggest giving us a call. Our therapist Sahira is a powerful therapist in this medium and I can’t stress enough the benefits you will feel.


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