seniors health and wellness, seniors massage

Seniors Massage Benefits- the 10 ways it helps the most.

We at Your Health Span have been working with older adults for nearly 25 years and we have seen countless ways that it improves the lives of not just our clients but also the families and friends that love and worry about the health and happiness of aging adults.

Massage for active seniors can help keep them flexible, and active improving stability and keeping the immune system functioning, as well as help with mood and anxiety.

Here are the 10 most important things to know about the benefits of Seniors Massage.

  1. Better Sleep is reported by older adults who receive weekly or biweekly massages with both the length of sleep and the quality or depth of sleep showing improvement, this results in overall health improvements as the body is able to repair itself and recover from illness during sleep.
  2. Recovery from stroke– by reducing tremors, aiding in sleep and much more.
  3. Improves balance  – Falling is a huge concern for older adults, both from a balance and a consequence perspective, as bones are more fragile, and injuries are more serious. Due to massage’s ability to keep body parts in the correct position it improves balance and reducing our chances of falling.
  4. Relieves arthritic pain – “Massage isn’t ever going to cure arthritis but by increasing blood flow to the joints it has proven benefits in pain relief for those suffering from arthritis.
  5. Reduces feelings of isolation – There is nothing like good nurturing touch to make a person feel connected.
  6. Improved immune function-One of the most well documented benefits of massage is its ability to boost our immune function, reducing healing times from illness and injuries.
  7. Improves muscle function– by loosening sore tight muscles and increasing range of motion muscles can work much more like they are meant to.
  8. Reduces pain- especially in sore tight muscles that are harder to stretch as we age.
  9. Relieves Swelling-by moving lymphatic fluid and improving overall mobility there is almost always a reduction of swelling particularly of ankles and feet.
  10. Reduces stress, anxiety and depression- Just like in younger adults Seniors massage has a positive effect on the hormones involved in stress anxiety and depression, and we notice that our clients are happier and more communicative after massage than they were before we started.


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